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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-82013

Armor taking extra experience orbs at full durability


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Beta
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      While playing I noticed that my armor set which enchanted with mending takes xp even when it has full durability and doesn't need mending while wearing it.

      What was expected to happen:

      • Armor enchanted with mending takes experience orbs when equipped and doesn't have full durability
      • The armor stops taking experience orbs when it's at full durability
      • Tools in hand should get all experience orbs when the armor equipped has full durability

      What actually happened:

      • Armor enchanted with mending takes experience orbs when equipped and doesn't have full durability.
      • The armor keeps taking experience orbs when it's at full durability
      • Tools in hand get about 10-15% of the experience orbs even when the armor is at full durability

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Get any armor (preferably a full set of any kind)
      2. Enchant the armor with mending
      3. Get a tool with low durability and enchanted with mending
      4. Throw about a stack of experience bottles from a distance (You need a lot of experience orbs stacked away for you to collect at once)
      5. Wear the armor and hold your tool (which all should be enchanted with mending)
      6. Jump into the experience pool that you created in step #4 and notice the speed at which your tool mends
      7. Repeat step #4
      8. Remove all the armor that you wore in step #5 while still holding the tool
      9. Jump into the experience pool

      Notice how much faster the tool in your hand mends with no armor (step #9) than with the armor equipped at full durability (step #6).

      I'm guessing that the problem here is either that:

      1. Since the game code prioritises mending the armor equipped than the item in hand, it checks for the armor durability first and fails to notice that the armor is at full durability due to some code error, which makes it take up the experience orbs.
      2. Wearing armor somehow makes the experience orbs go to the player's experience bar rather than the item in hand 

      Note: I'm not sure if this is an intended mechanic or not, but when you have an item/armor that doesn't have full durability it does get mended but some xp go to the player as well

            Ghostie07 Ahmed
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