• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.13.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows 10 Mobile

      Hostile mobs seem to spawn in higher light levels than usual. Some of my builds that were mob-proof are no longer mob-proof. I am also hearing pilliger noises no matter where I am in my world (I have indeed used commands to check and there are none around) and finally, none of my friends nor I have found a naturally spawning fox (of course that could just be our luck)

      [picture shows light level that mobs can spawn in now that they couldn't before]

        1. Lighting Bug.png
          2.31 MB
          Drake Ward
        2. drowners ignore light level.png
          8.87 MB
          Daniel Bolt
        3. CreeperSpawn_gt_light_7.png
          1.13 MB

            DrawKCD Drake Ward
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