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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-52683

When TNT Explodes, Mobs do not take knockback from the Explosion


    • Creative
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      Hello i am new to this website i am reporting a bug that has been around a long time, When a mob gets killed by TNT but their dead bodies are not affected from the Explosion,

      So In the early days of MCPE(0.10 and earlier), the mobs dead bodies used to get knocked back by tnt when killed, But now, the mobs dead bodies do not get affected by knockback when they get killed.

      This bug's origin dates back to the delevopment of 0.11.

      Here's a video showing the bug in action.

            TheUnderp Trenton
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