Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-4622

a typing issue whilst making a new world


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 0.7.1
    • None
    • Creative
    • Unconfirmed
    • Tablet - iOS - iPod Touch 4

      a typing issue whilst making a new world

      What I expected to happen was...:
      to type a capitalized "w"

      What actually happened was...:
      nothing happened.all the other letters worked but the capitalised "w"

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Click the button to make a new world
      2. Click the slot to where you are supposed to name the world.Your virtual keyboard should show up.
      3. Click the capitalize button(the hollow up arrow right above the "123" button).The hollow arrow should be glowing white now.
      4. Click "w" to make a capitalized "w," but nothing appears

            iLikRice Jonah Kim
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