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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-31852

several bugs when pause the game


    • Unconfirmed
    • Phone - Android - Samsung Other (Specify in description)

      there are currently 4 errors related with the pause screen in phone devices:

      to reproduce the errors just pause the game and go to another app without closing minecraft, then back to minecraft

      1. mobs texture glitch.-
      the mob textures are distorted, color walls appearing everywhere.
      since minecraft 1.2.10 i have the same issue, but now i can reproduce the error each time i pause the game, go to another app (E. facebook) and back to the game, when i come back all the mobs are glitching.

      2. invisible fish
      this bug is simple, the entire fish texture dissapear but the fish still there.

      3. ambient textures change
      all the blocks are green and have a green flowing animation underwater, also sometimes the color changes to red and white lines,

      4. pause screen start flashing
      if i tap "save and exit" the pause screen lag a little bit and then starts to flash. the saving world animation seems to be broken because the game saves the world and back to the "play" menu but the sreen keep flashing with the pause screen.
      the "saving world" animation somethimes flash too.
      (i solve that issue going to another app and backing to minecraft)

      phone used to find these bugs: samsung J5 prime, samsung galaxy s6

            Nova67 innova games
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