Resolution: Invalid
Device: HTC Incredible S
Keyboard Bug:
This error occurred in 0.6.1 and was never fixed on my device and it now occurs in places like Chat, World Name, Seed and Username.
This is where it just shows upper case letters but the icon for upper/lower case letters shows lower and cannot be changed.
I will attempt to attach a picture.
Fire Bug:
On my device, fire shows up as black wherever it occurs except for when it is on blocks e.g. On Trees, it just doesn't show anything.
Buttons are unresponsive:
When i entered the realms, i attempted to log in without WiFi (by accident) and i exited the pop up, i attempted to click the both the "Back" and "Login / Sign up" button but they were both unresponsive. I restarted the app and it was fine but i heard this has been happening a lot.
Netherrack Bug:
When netherrack is on fire, it burns for a certain period of time, when it should burn forever.
TNT Bug:
Fire does not detonate/set off TNT, it only burns it and then it disappears due to the burning.
Milk Bug:
When in creative, use a normal bucket on a cow and you will receive milk, but you cannot get the regular bucket back, in your inventory it changes to a milk bucket so the only way to retrieve a normal milk bucket again is to exit.
Another Fire Bug (also with water and lava):
No sound for fire, water and lava, its as though I've muted the volume. But i can still hear everything else.
Chat Bug:
Messages from other worlds can be seen in the chat
Thank you for listening and thank you for your time and dedication for this update. It is much appreciated.
P.S. No Mods or Add-ons were used during this process. I will update this page a lot for new bugs that i find.