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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-27706

Keyboard&mouse on Xbox one issues


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Xbox

      I have two issues related to using keyboard&mouse on xbox one all relating to chat and/or command block interfaces

      When using T or Enter on a keyboard it brings up the keyboard interface on xbox one which does not allow the enter key to be used to send what ever I typed till I push B on my controller to close the xbox one keyboard interface.

      Chat interface and command block interface does not allow arrow keys or mouse clicking to move back or forward in a command

      I.E. trying to fix a screw up like "hello wold" requires backspacing till that point to fix it

      Both problems we're done/can be redone with a mouse and keyboard (keyboard is wired mouse is wireless if that makes any difference) and a xbox one controller

      Quick fixes I've found for myself is using my controller to open the chat interface first then type because it doesn't bring up the xbox one keyboard first (doesn't seem to work on command block interface)

      second one is obviously don't screw up you're command in the first place but this statement is more of a joke though

            Gamerdude5600 Jacob Jones
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