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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-188414

Suspected Dupe glitch related to animal spawn bug


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.21.44 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      Accidental Dupe glitch/animal spawn bug suspected. 

      Seed: -3862735610341068421

      Coordinates: area around 211, 93, -405

      Ver: 1.21.44 

      Device: Samsung Galaxy A32 5g 

      Os: Android 13

      I searched for similar bugs but was unable to find a result.

      My animals are incorrectly respawning after world generation. Device had previously shut down the game before I could save. Game appears to load animals partially from a previous save. I noticed this around 7pm EST Nov 17/24. I had previously purged most of my animals in my barn to reduce lag. Took note of inventory. I saved and left the game. When I came back later, all the animals I had purged were back and outside the barn along with unpurged ones. My inventory remained the same. I found no open gates/doors/gaps and no blocks close enough to jump over fences. Relocated animals back to barn and other buildings. Built a new small enclosed animal pen. Saved and rejoined. Animals were back outside. Pen was still there.  

      Steps I took:

      Join world. Go to barn near coordinates 211, 93, -405

      Purge most animals, leaving only a few

      Save game. Come back later

      See all purged animals respawned outside barn.

      Relocated all animals inside different buildings.

      Save. Came back later. 

      Animals were back outside. Leads still tied to fences with no animals.

      Attempted to recreate bug on different part of map. Failed to do so.


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