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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-184124

Fire can burn forever even without using netherrack


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.21.2 Hotfix
    • Creative
    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 1268636

      A wooden pressure plate, a few (garbage) items and a flint and steel, and you'll achieve something that netherrack can do (maybe even better).

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Place any wooden pressure plate (oak, birch, crimson, etc.) on a complete block.
      2. Throw any item onto the pressure plate to trigger it.
      3. Break the pressure plate, and quickly (suggested to do within 0.5 secs after breaking the plate) ignite the block (by a flint and steel) which you placed the pressure plate on.

      Fire ignited in this way will never die out unless:

      • Put out by water
      • Broken by a player (similar to breaking a block)
      • It's worth to note that command-summoned rain cannot put out this fire (of course, summoned after fire was set off).

      This issue was not seen in previous bug reports (or maybe I didn't search carefully), but it persists at least from Android MCBE Beta, so I would guess that the bug can be reproduced in all Bedrock Editions (and it's also reproducible in newest MCBE Windows UWP, which is now at 1.21.2).
      (P.S. I used "never die out" because I tested this bug in Bedrock with random tick speed set to 100, in which fire will die out instantly when ignited on non-flammable blocks such as sand/stone/etc.)

      20240714_151703.mp4 Bug reproduction
      20240714_152016.mp4 Command-summoned rain cannot put out the fire

      (Though showcase is in superflat, normal worlds also works.)

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