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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-18348

Some spawn egg textures appear to have incorrect layer blending compared to Java edition


    • Confirmed
    • Tablet - Android - Other (Specify in description)
    • 43544

      Most spawn egg textures are INCORRECT compared to the Java edition. The core of the problem seems to be that the layers of the spawn egg texture were blended together incorrectly. This is most obvious with the shulker spawn egg (it is a light lavender color in Java edition, but a dark purple color in MCPE), but the problem also exists for several spawn eggs, though some aren't as obvious as others. And annoyingly, the mistakes have carried over into every single official texture pack, so the bug has to be fixed on those, too.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a creative world in Java edition and grab some spawn eggs, especially the shulker & zombie horse spawn eggs.
      2. Create a creative world in MCPE and grab the same spawn eggs.
      3. Compare how the spawn eggs look in MCPE vs. Java edition.

        1. shulker.PNG
          60 kB
          Thomas Zamora
        2. Capture.PNG
          433 kB
          Thomas Zamora
        3. PC vs PE Spawn Egg Comparison.png
          37 kB
          [MCPE Helper] Zeb

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