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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-183179

Regular trial spawning ominous trial mobs and deleting my equipment after trial chamber mobs pick it up


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.21.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      I am writing this as a separate bug report rather than commenting under a previously reported bug because I have no idea if these two issue I've experienced with the trial chambers are related in some way or not.  The first issue is that I was encountering ominous trial spawns during an ordinary trial.  I had previously gone through this same trial chamber structure once before as an ordinary trial, and once again as an ominous trial.  On the third visit, however, I was attempting a normal trial (I wasn't affected by either Bad Omen or Trial Omen whilst doing so) and the trial spawners were producing orange particles upon activation and dropping ordinary Trial Keys, yet I was encountering the ominous trial spawns, with the mobs wearing trimmed diamond and chain armor, bows sometimes being enchanted, and melee mobs always being equipped with either iron or diamond swords.  I feel this was a bug because I was doing the work required for an ominous trial but only receiving the lower tier of rewards, and the hazards that spawn with an ominous trial were not present either, so I think the spawners were bugged in some way into thinking I was in an ominous trial.  As for the second issue, I ended up dying by getting cornered by a bunch of armed husks, and I saw one of them picking up my dropped gear when I waited for the respawn button to appear on the "You Died" screen.  Upon returning, I found the armor that the Husk was previously wearing on the ground, and when I killed said husk, it did not drop my enchanted diamond armor that it had picked up.  Additionally, a Stray traded its bow for my sword, which I also ended up losing, since it didn't drop it upon its death, either.  I can quickly get my gear back, but I just wanted to report this because of both the issue I experienced with the out of place ominous trial spawns, and hopefully in the future, I won't have to worry about losing all of my items if I die in a trial.

            FloatySodaSir Ryan Fair
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