
    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.20.73 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Xbox

      I have recently had issues with my world save data via cloud saving but not syncing. I get this same message when I try to save the game. Though it has showed this message before it still let me save the world and play it again if i logged off. Today my world is gone, like its disappeared completely with no way of getting it back. The last saved worlds that do show up are from over a year ago. I am still getting the same message prompt after I exit a world " Syncing World Data" ( Local save successful but cloud data sync failed due to quota. Free Cloud space by deleting worlds from the setting menu" I have since deleted a world that was a copy and still get the same message as well as my last playable world is still missing. Why is this an issue that wasn't resolved and why did my world get deleted? Months of progress down the drain.. What is mojang going to do to fix this issue? Not fair to have my world gone for a issue out of my hands.

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        2. 20240415_210044.jpg
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        3. 20240415_204413.jpg
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        4. 20240415_204333.jpg
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            Dwrek427 Dwrek427
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