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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-179561

The inventory cursor on consoles doesn't respond quickly enough.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Preview, 1.20.70, 1.20.71 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      The Bug:

      I have attached two videos. In one, you can see how smoothly you can swap the positions of the two items in the chest, if you play on PC. In the other video, you can see that this is not possible at the same speed on consoles.


      Sorting the inventory in PVP minigames can be very stressful because you have to consciously sort it slower than you could. Sometimes it even takes a moment to realize that due to the bug, the items didn't go into the desired slots, so you have to open the inventory again and sort the items for the second time. Sometimes, you have to repeat this process three times, all while losing valuable time.

      But even in regular survival mode, this is a problem when you have an unsorted inventory and want to sort it. This bug significantly slows down the sorting process. I hope I could somewhat explain how prevalent this bug is in the game and how much it affects many players.

      Example of how it would be better:

      In the old Minecraft PlayStation versions (I'll call them Legacy Edition), this bug did not exist. Therefore, sorting the inventory was really smooth, and it never caused any problems for anyone.

      (When I then switched to the Bedrock version, this was the very first bug that caught my attention, and one that bothers me and (surely others) then and now.)

        1. 0313(2).mp4
          9.90 MB
        2. 0313(3).mp4
          7.00 MB

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