Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-17941

Baby mobs' heads are scaled incorrectly


    • Confirmed
    • Tablet - Android - Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook
    • 61478

      With add-ons the minecraft:scale component doesn't scale baby mobs heads correctly. It does do it correctly for adult mobs.
      What happens is the head goes straight up when it would be if it was normal sized but doesn't go forward to where the neck of the body now is. It also remains small. This does not affect adults.
      I have made no other changes from the original files than to that of the scale and have no resource packs applied
      Here is the json for the pig

        "minecraft:entity": {
          "format_version": 0.1,
          "component_groups": {
            "minecraft:pig_baby": {
              "minecraft:is_baby": {
              "minecraft:scale": {
              "minecraft:ageable": {
                "duration": 1200,
                "feedItems": "carrot",
                "grow_up": {
                  "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
                  "target": "self"
              "minecraft:behavior.follow_parent": {
                "priority": 6,
                "speed_multiplier": 1.1
            "minecraft:pig_transform": {
              "minecraft:transformation": {
                "into": "minecraft:pig_zombie",
                "delay": 0.5
            "minecraft:pig_adult": {
              "minecraft:loot": {
                "table": "loot_tables/entities/pig.json"
              "minecraft:collision_box": {
                "width": 0.9,
                "height": 0.9
              "minecraft:behavior.breed": {
                "priority": 4,
                "speed_multiplier": 1.0
              "minecraft:breedable": {
                "requireTame": false,
                "breedsWith": {
                  "mateType": "minecraft:pig",
                  "babyType": "minecraft:pig",
                  "breed_event": {
                    "event": "minecraft:entity_born",
                    "target": "baby"
                "breedItems": "carrot"
            "minecraft:pig_unsaddled": {
              "minecraft:interact": [
                  "on_interact": {
                    "filters": {
                      "other_with_item": "saddle"
                    "event": "minecraft:on_saddled"
                  "use_item": true,
                  "interact_text": "action.interact.saddle"
              "minecraft:rideable": {
                "seat_count": 1,
                "family_types": [
                "seats": {
                  "position": [0.0, 0.63, 0.0]
            "minecraft:pig_saddled": {
              "minecraft:is_saddled": {
              "minecraft:loot": {
                "table": "loot_tables/entities/pig_saddled.json"
              "minecraft:boostable": {
                "speed_multiplier": 2.0,
                "duration": 3.0,
                "boost_items": [
                    "item": "carrotOnAStick",
                    "item_damage": 2,
                    "replaceItem": "fishing_rod"
              "minecraft:rideable": {
                "seat_count": 1,
                "interact_text": "action.interact.mount",
                "seats": {
                  "position": [0.0, 0.63, 0.0]
              "minecraft:item_controllable": {
                "control_items": "carrotOnAStick"
              "minecraft:behavior.controlled_by_player": {
                "priority": 0
            "minecraft:pig_leashed": {
              "minecraft:behavior.move_towards_restriction": {
                "priority": 2,
                "speed_multiplier": 1.0
          "components": {
                   "minecraft:scale": {
            "minecraft:damage_sensor": {
              "on_damage": {
                "filters": {
                  "other_with_families": "lightning"
                "event": "become_zombie"
              "deals_damage": false
            "minecraft:identifier": {
              "id": "minecraft:pig"
            "minecraft:type_family": {
              "family": [ "pig" ]
            "minecraft:nameable": {
            "minecraft:health": {
              "value": 10,
              "max": 10
            "minecraft:movement": {
              "value": 0.25,
              "max": 0.5
            "minecraft:leashable": {
              "soft_distance": 4.0,
              "hard_distance": 6.0,
              "max_distance": 10.0,
              "on_leash": {
                "event": "minecraft:on_leash",
                "target": "self"
              "on_unleash": {
                "event": "minecraft:on_unleash",
                "target": "self"
            "minecraft:behavior.mount_pathing": {
              "priority": 1,
              "speed_multiplier": 1.25,
              "target_dist": 0.0,
              "track_target": true
            "minecraft:behavior.float": {
              "priority": 2
            "minecraft:behavior.panic": {
              "priority": 3,
              "speed_multiplier": 1.25
            "minecraft:behavior.tempt": {
              "priority": 5,
              "speed_multiplier": 1.2,
              "items": [
            "minecraft:behavior.random_stroll": {
              "priority": 7,
              "speed_multiplier": 1.0
            "minecraft:behavior.look_at_player": {
              "priority": 8,
              "target_distance": 6.0,
              "probability": 0.02
            "minecraft:behavior.random_look_around": {
              "priority": 9
          "events": {
            "become_zombie": {
              "remove": {
              "add": {
                "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:entity_spawned": {
              "randomize": [
                  "weight": 95,
                  "remove": {
                  "add": {
                    "component_groups": [
                  "weight": 5,
                  "remove": {
                  "add": {
                    "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:entity_born": {
              "remove": {
              "add": {
                "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:ageable_grow_up": {
              "remove": {
                "component_groups": [
              "add": {
                "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:on_saddled": {
              "remove": {
                "component_groups": [
              "add": {
                "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:on_leash": {
              "add": {
                "component_groups": [
            "minecraft:on_unleash": {
              "remove": {
                "component_groups": [

            DrAwesome4333 [MCPE Mod] Dr.Awesome4333
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
