Resolution: Fixed
0.16.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.3,,,
Tablet - Android - Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook
With add-ons the minecraft:scale component doesn't scale baby mobs heads correctly. It does do it correctly for adult mobs.
What happens is the head goes straight up when it would be if it was normal sized but doesn't go forward to where the neck of the body now is. It also remains small. This does not affect adults.
I have made no other changes from the original files than to that of the scale and have no resource packs applied
Here is the json for the pig
{ "minecraft:entity": { "format_version": 0.1, "component_groups": { "minecraft:pig_baby": { "minecraft:is_baby": { }, "minecraft:scale": { "value":2.5 }, "minecraft:ageable": { "duration": 1200, "feedItems": "carrot", "grow_up": { "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up", "target": "self" } }, "minecraft:behavior.follow_parent": { "priority": 6, "speed_multiplier": 1.1 } }, "minecraft:pig_transform": { "minecraft:transformation": { "into": "minecraft:pig_zombie", "delay": 0.5 } }, "minecraft:pig_adult": { "minecraft:loot": { "table": "loot_tables/entities/pig.json" }, "minecraft:collision_box": { "width": 0.9, "height": 0.9 }, "minecraft:behavior.breed": { "priority": 4, "speed_multiplier": 1.0 }, "minecraft:breedable": { "requireTame": false, "breedsWith": { "mateType": "minecraft:pig", "babyType": "minecraft:pig", "breed_event": { "event": "minecraft:entity_born", "target": "baby" } }, "breedItems": "carrot" } }, "minecraft:pig_unsaddled": { "minecraft:interact": [ { "on_interact": { "filters": { "other_with_item": "saddle" }, "event": "minecraft:on_saddled" }, "use_item": true, "interact_text": "action.interact.saddle" } ], "minecraft:rideable": { "seat_count": 1, "family_types": [ "zombie" ], "seats": { "position": [0.0, 0.63, 0.0] } } }, "minecraft:pig_saddled": { "minecraft:is_saddled": { }, "minecraft:loot": { "table": "loot_tables/entities/pig_saddled.json" }, "minecraft:boostable": { "speed_multiplier": 2.0, "duration": 3.0, "boost_items": [ { "item": "carrotOnAStick", "item_damage": 2, "replaceItem": "fishing_rod" } ] }, "minecraft:rideable": { "seat_count": 1, "interact_text": "action.interact.mount", "seats": { "position": [0.0, 0.63, 0.0] } }, "minecraft:item_controllable": { "control_items": "carrotOnAStick" }, "minecraft:behavior.controlled_by_player": { "priority": 0 } }, "minecraft:pig_leashed": { "minecraft:behavior.move_towards_restriction": { "priority": 2, "speed_multiplier": 1.0 } } }, "components": { "minecraft:scale": { "value":5 }, "minecraft:damage_sensor": { "on_damage": { "filters": { "other_with_families": "lightning" }, "event": "become_zombie" }, "deals_damage": false }, "minecraft:identifier": { "id": "minecraft:pig" }, "minecraft:type_family": { "family": [ "pig" ] }, "minecraft:nameable": { }, "minecraft:health": { "value": 10, "max": 10 }, "minecraft:movement": { "value": 0.25, "max": 0.5 }, "minecraft:leashable": { "soft_distance": 4.0, "hard_distance": 6.0, "max_distance": 10.0, "on_leash": { "event": "minecraft:on_leash", "target": "self" }, "on_unleash": { "event": "minecraft:on_unleash", "target": "self" } }, "minecraft:behavior.mount_pathing": { "priority": 1, "speed_multiplier": 1.25, "target_dist": 0.0, "track_target": true }, "minecraft:behavior.float": { "priority": 2 }, "minecraft:behavior.panic": { "priority": 3, "speed_multiplier": 1.25 }, "minecraft:behavior.tempt": { "priority": 5, "speed_multiplier": 1.2, "items": [ "potato", "carrot", "beetroot", "carrotOnAStick" ] }, "minecraft:behavior.random_stroll": { "priority": 7, "speed_multiplier": 1.0 }, "minecraft:behavior.look_at_player": { "priority": 8, "target_distance": 6.0, "probability": 0.02 }, "minecraft:behavior.random_look_around": { "priority": 9 } }, "events": { "become_zombie": { "remove": { }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_transform" ] } }, "minecraft:entity_spawned": { "randomize": [ { "weight": 95, "remove": { }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_adult", "minecraft:pig_unsaddled" ] } }, { "weight": 5, "remove": { }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_baby" ] } } ] }, "minecraft:entity_born": { "remove": { }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_baby" ] } }, "minecraft:ageable_grow_up": { "remove": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_baby" ] }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_adult", "minecraft:pig_unsaddled" ] } }, "minecraft:on_saddled": { "remove": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_unsaddled" ] }, "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_saddled" ] } }, "minecraft:on_leash": { "add": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_leashed" ] } }, "minecraft:on_unleash": { "remove": { "component_groups": [ "minecraft:pig_leashed" ] } } } } }
- relates to
MCPE-20054 Giant snow golem's pumpkin is not scaled
- Resolved