Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-177188

Banner limit on bedrock only being 7 patterns on one banner while Java can exceed the limit


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Preview, Preview, 1.20.41 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug but it should be changed I tried to make a banner pattern I found on planet Minecraft and they were not able to exceed the 7 which means they were on bedrock when they tried to make this. but on Java edition in the video they were able to make the full banner pattern with the double heart. meanwhile I was stuck at 7 on bedrock, missing the last part to complete the banner pattern. The one I wanted to make wasn't complicated it was really pretty. but I couldn't make it because of the limit on bedrock edition being 7 which isn't really fair. I think a lot of people would enjoy having more banner pattern overlays on bedrock for creativity purposes, it makes no sense to limit the amount to make a banner pattern in the first place unless it's something ridiculous like 20. The bedrock edition screen shots that I made the banner on shows how it stopped me at that the black bend banner pattern and I only needed 1 more which was the circle as shown on the planet Minecraft banner tutorial. I tried to follow the steps just like the guy in the video on Java and he's able to exceed the limit and create the full banner pattern which is 8 overlays using the black roundel. Can you guys make a parity to exceed the limit of 7 to 10 or maybe 13 pattern overlays for both versions on java & bedrock instead of 7 for bedrock edition.

        1. IMG_7337.jpeg
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        2. IMG_7332.png
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        3. IMG_7335.jpeg
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        4. IMG_7331-1.png
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        5. IMG_7339.png
          1.61 MB

            BlushiBunni BlushiBunni
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