Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-172636

Marketplace item preview automatically switches skin


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.20.50
    • 1.20.1 Hotfix, 1.20.10, 1.20.51 Hotfix
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 1076285

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. On a slot with a character creator skin, equip a non character creator skin (skin pack or imported skin)
      2. Go to the marketplace, and if there's a daily gift banner at the top:
      3. Select any item that will display how it will look on your character creator skin (equipping the item or not doesn’t make a difference)

      Observed Results:
      Upon backing out to the main menu, your skin slot will be switched to the character creator skin

      Expected Results:
      Your skin would stay as the one you selected

        1. IMG_8126.mov
          7.72 MB
        2. IMG_0330.mp4
          7.37 MB

            Oblixoid Oblixoid
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