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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-170202

Mouse speed of movement affects distance and amount of rotation.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.19.80
    • Survival
    • Plausible
    • Android

      the acceleration happen when in game. it doenst accelerate when in inventory menu, settings menu, or when i open chest menu.
      to test this, move mouse slowly to the right for and inch, the '+' crosshair didnt move. but i make the same slow move in the settings menu, or player inventory menu, or when i open chest menu, the arrow pointer move slowly as the speed of my hand, which is work fine. but when u in game, the crosshair didnt move even when i move the mouse to the right for more then 1 inch. but when i move it fast, it makes the move, but not accurate.
      i wont buy this game if it doesnt have mouse and keyboard feature. i buy it because i know that it have mouse and keyboard feature. its not like this last year. i realize it happen this year. and my settings, i always disable the mouse acceleration/pointer precision.
      this matter makes the game unplayable, i didnt even play for this 2 weeks, just test what ever possible matter on my side that could cause this, but then realize it wasnt on my side, because it works just fine when im on those menu, the mouse also works fine on the main page, and also works fine at my phone main screen.

      okay i've compressed the video. do note that the graphic quality is not matter. do look carefully at the motion.

      my mouse setting ; pollrate 125hz, DPI 2000.. before u ask anything about the mouse, ive tested with 4 other mouse, 3 normal mouse, 2 gaming mouse, and yes i did try with low DPI such 300 and 600., and high dpi 5000 and 5500. i also did try changing the poll rate from 125 to 250 to 500 to 1000. the issue is still there. all of the mouse and android system has disable the pointer precision/acceleration. when on inventory menu or settings menu, it doesnt accelerated or skipping, thats how i know that my input is acceleration free. it didnt even accelerated when using at my phone home screen.

      how to test is very easy, grab a ruller or something to measure, put it behind your mouse to test horizontal motion.
      video descript:
      VD 11 -game sense 20, quick turn 360, take measurement 6 inch.
      VD 12 - sense 20, slow turn, out of mouse pad, stop take at 12inch.

      VD 13 - sense 20, quick and slow crosshair movement, notice the skipping/stopping when in slow movement (00:00:13)

      VD 15 - sense 40, quick turn 360, take 2.3 inch.
      VD 16 - sense 40, slow turn 360, take 6.5 inch.

      VD 21 - sense 40, arrow pointer in inventory menu (0:00:09) slow mouse motion, good.. (+)crosshair pointer (0:00:23) slow motion, bad result its like it skipping/stopping. look at the fire to the right, the game is not laggy.

      now notice the meassurement difference, thats huge. i dont hve to explain to u how "pointer precision/mouse acceleration" feature is, because u guys know how it feels like.
      VD 15 and 16, the measurement should be the same no matter how fast or slow my mouse motion is. then it will be okay.

      sorry i didnt knw i can edit the issue description, till now.

      i did test touch control, and its the same problem. point A (centre crosshair), point B (the sprint button).
      VD 23 - sense 35, slow turn (touch from centre to sprint button)
      VD 24 - sense 35, quick turn (touch from centre to sprint button)

      notice the difference, vd23 camera is end by looking at the fire, while 24 the camera is looking at the brick block.more to the right.

      GAME MODE : survival, multiplayer, realm, all

        1. VD 16.mp4
          9.21 MB
        2. VD 12.mp4
          9.37 MB
        3. VD 11.mp4
          9.25 MB
        4. VD 13.mp4
          9.38 MB
        5. VD 21.mp4
          9.70 MB
        6. VD 15.mp4
          9.79 MB
        7. VD 24.mp4
          8.84 MB
        8. VD 23.mp4
          9.64 MB

            mikeo2 mikeo2
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