Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
1.19.81 Hotfix, 1.20.32 Hotfix
Since version 1.19.80 it is stated in the changelog that logs and wooden fences have now their unique IDs, so for example birch log is now "birch_log" instead of "log:2", the same is for fences.
Using this new ID system to make custom recipes doesn't work, instead the old IDs still work, so for example the following works:
{ "format_version": "1.12", "minecraft:recipe_shapeless": { "description": { "identifier": "Oak_to_birch" }, "tags": [ "stonecutter" ], "priority": 0, "ingredients": [ { "item": "minecraft:log:0" } ], "result": { "item": "minecraft:log:2", "count": 1 } } }
and this doesn't:
{ "format_version": "1.12", "minecraft:recipe_shapeless": { "description": { "identifier": "Oak_to_birch" }, "tags": [ "stonecutter" ], "priority": 0, "ingredients": [ { "item": "minecraft:oak_log" } ], "result": { "item": "minecraft:birch_log", "count": 1 } } }
Also, I made a mod with a custom entity that can break blocks when moving, like a bigger version of the ravager. The component is stated as follow:
[...] "minecraft:break_blocks": { "breakable_blocks": [ "leaves", "leaves2", "vine", "azalea", "flowering_azalea", "azalea_leaves", "azalea_leaves_flowered", "cave_vines", "cave_vines_body_with_berries", "cave_vines_head_with_berries", "hanging_roots", "mangrove_leaves", "cherry_leaves", "fence_gate", "spruce_fence_gate", "birch_fence_gate", "jungle_fence_gate", "acacia_fence_gate", "dark_oak_fence_gate", "mangrove_fence_gate", "bamboo_fence_gate", "cherry_fence_gate", "crimson_fence_gate", "warped_fence_gate", "fence", "oak_fence", "spruce_fence", "birch_fence", "jungle_fence", "acacia_fence", "dark_oak_fence", "cherry_fence", "mangrove_fence", "bamboo_fence", "nether_brick_fence", "crimson_fence", "warped_fence", "log", "log2", "minecraft:oak_log", "minecraft:birch_log", "minecraft:acacia_log", "minecraft:dark_oak_log", "minecraft:jungle_log", "minecraft:spruce_log", "minecraft:cherry_log", "mangrove_log", "stone" ] } [...]
This entity is capable of breaking all stone variants, so regular stone, diorite, granite and andesite...even if it stated only "stone" and not also "stone:1", "stone:2" etc... but it is not capable of breaking all logs even if it is stated the old ID system and the new ID system.
Even using only or the old or the new system it only works using the old ID system and only for acacia and oak so it registers only "log:0" and "log2:0" and not the variants like it does for the stone.
The same problem is for the wooden fences variants that are under the ID "fence", the new ID system for the wooden fences doesn't work so "birch_fence" is not recognised as a block that can be broken.
Edit: attached is the mod I made, with a resource pack and a behaviour pack, to test it enclose a ravager inside oak fences, it will destroy them, instead enclosing it inside birch fences will not work. This will also happen enclosing it inside oak logs (that will be broken) and birch logs, speuce woods etc that will not be broken)
You can also test it if you make an iron golem and you give it a copper block, and then a coal block and you can ride it. It will break all blocks (almost) except for log and fences variants as stated before.