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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-165773

Huge combat problems in the new touch controls


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Preview, 1.19.51
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      In release 1.19.50, the delay when holding down the attack and interaction buttons was removed. Because of this, fighting mobs has become much more difficult. Since the attack occurs immediately after pressing the attack button, the player does not have the necessary time to move the cursor to the target. This delay is necessary because we only use 2 fingers when playing with touch controls. With the thumb of the left hand we control the joystick, and with the thumb of the right hand we direct the sight, or we press the attack / interaction button. To simultaneously aim and attack when playing with touch controls, you need to use 3 fingers, which is not possible in Minecraft. Consequently, due to the removal of the button delay, battles have become less responsive and less comfortable (in a bad sense)
      Previously (on version 1.19.41 and below) this problem did not occur, since it was possible to move the cursor over the target AFTER pressing the attack button. It was very convenient. Moreover, the delay appeared precisely when the button was pressed, and not because of the usual tap on it. In the "good slow" video, you can see that the first hit was delayed since I held down the button, which helped me hit the zombie, and the second hit was instant, since I held my finger on the button for less than a second.
      The problem with the lack of a delay required to bring the sight to the target can be solved by adding a separate item to the settings that allows you to turn it on (similar to turning the block destruction delay on and off when using the control type without attack and button interaction).

        1. good slow.mp4
          1.60 MB
        2. bad.mp4
          5.99 MB
        3. good.mp4
          6.59 MB

            TriGGerTheCyan TheCyan
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