Here is a part of zh_CN-pocket.lang
commands.gamemode.success.other=将 %2$s 的游戏模式设置为 %3$s #
commands.gamemode.success.self=将自己的游戏模式设置为 %3$s #
But these two translation texts in en_US-pocket.lang is
commands.gamemode.success.other=Set %s's game mode to %s
commands.gamemode.success.self=Set own game mode to %s
There's no any "%2$s" or "%3$s"
So I change my gamemode to in a server, it says "将自己的游戏模式设置为", no gamemode. The same, I change the other's gamemode, it says "将 gamemode 的游戏模式设置为".
Please modify these two translation texts and correct the others.
In 0.16.1, this bug is still exist, and not only Chinese, English is the same. Maybe the other gamemodes are also the same