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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-16557

mobs in cauldron from spawn egg in dispenser


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • 0.15.6, 0.16.1
    • Unconfirmed
    • Tablet - Windows 10 - Surface 3

      this issue is not related to MCPE-12516. it is a baby chicken only bug. if it were related to MCPE-12516, then it wouldn't exist! it is still in 0.15.6.
      set out a dispenser with a lever. set a cauldron next to it's output and cover it with something like a carpet. put spawn eggs in the dispenser. if the egg spawns an adult, it will stay in the cauldron. if it spawns a baby, the baby will jump out over the carpet. if you were to put lava over the cauldron so that when the baby grew it would be cooked, it doesn't work because the baby always jumps up immediately and dies.

        1. Screen Shot 003.PNG
          171 kB
          [Mojang] Mega_Spud (Jay Wells)
        2. Screen Shot 002.PNG
          174 kB
          [Mojang] Mega_Spud (Jay Wells)

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