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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-164447

The skybox is rendered way too high up


    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 938838

      The skybox is rendered too high up compared to Non-RenderDragon versions, java edition and other 3D games. When making resource packs this makes it much harder to make art for the skybox since its not centred properly and you have to guess what height it is. if you make the art normally and then put it into the game you will be able to see ugly perspective distortion and this basically makes most java ported sky boxes look ugly.

      Steps to reproduce this bug

      1. Download and open the bedrock world included
      2. Press the button on the command block
      3. Observe how the the crosshair is on the lower black and white line and not the centre yellow line

      The skybox looks fine on the java edition:

      1. Download Optifine 1.19.2 (this is so you are able to change the texture for the skybox since that is not a current feature on java)
      2. Download and open/enable the world and the java texture pack included
      3. Press the button below you
      4. Observe how the the crosshair is on the yellow centre line so the skybox on java is correct

      The bedrock world was first tested on 1.19.31 but I believe the bug still hasn't been fixed.

      The pictures of the skybox with reference lines on where the crosshair should be in yellow:



      The Resource packs included:

      The Worlds included:

      These are the Commands in the command blocks (they just move your mouse to 90 degrees perfectly):

      • Bedrock: /execute @p ~ ~ ~ tp ~ ~ ~ 90 0
      • Java: /execute if block ~ ~2 ~ minecraft:stone_button[powered=true] run tp @p ~ ~1.5 ~ 90 0

      I also had to set the time to midnight since the sky only worked at midnight for some weird reason 

      Edit: the Gradients for the sky dont even look the same on vanilla bedrock compared to vanilla java 1.19.2. you can see at the time 22000 on both images, the top of the gradient takes less of the screen up on bedrock and on java the top of the gradient takes more of the screen up. A clear vanilla parity issue, the gradients aren't even the same colour 

      It also turns out that Non-RenderDragon versions of bedrock don't have this issue

      I have linked a blender file that can help fix the distortion a bit if you want to try and re-render any skyboxes. You just need to change the skybox texture in the shading tab, and run the script to render all cameras skyboxFix.blend(you need to have render_settings.jsonsaved to the same file path)

      I forgot to update this but there is a Better Render dragon fix for this now, and it just requires a bin file in the materials folder to be replaced. Why does the community have to fix this before Mojang does?


      (currently only works for 1.20.70)

      This issue plagues so many packs because the height never used to be like this and a lot of packs are ports from java with optifine skyboxes

        1. WorkingSkyboxJava.zip
          652 kB
        2. TestWorldJava.zip
          1.05 MB
        3. TestWorldBedrock.mcworld
          126 kB
        4. skyboxFix.blend
          3.39 MB
        5. render_settings.json
          0.2 kB
        6. JavaSkybox.png
          62 kB
        7. JavaGradient.png
          43 kB
        8. Furzide cubemap fixer.mp4
          3.69 MB
        9. fixer (1).gif
          fixer (1).gif
          9.11 MB
        10. BuggedSkyboxBedrock.mcpack
          99 kB
        11. BedrockSkybox.png
          56 kB
        12. BedrockGradient.png
          58 kB
        13. 292616813-f6089879-f93f-45da-98cb-91308a135fea.png
          2.02 MB
        14. 292616805-0ebb3a1a-e1e4-46fb-aaed-a60e3b99fdde.png
          1.69 MB

            FoxGaal FoxGaal
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