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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-160701

Players CRASH trying to join server


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Awaiting Response
    • None
    • 1.19.20
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      I KNOW this is NOT on us 100% because ALL of our playerbase could connect to our server no problem and play all day. . . NOW. . . 4-5+ PE members and a PC member CRASH every single time they try to join. another 2-3 PE members crash at random on our server too. I believe this is not on us because everything was 10000% FINE before the 1.19.20 update. It's made it so many of our players can no longer play

      I hope this is considered and looked into. We believe there is not much we can do on our end. Our players can play on other servers but not ours now. We just don't believe it is our fault because we've changed nothing since the update! Everything was perfectly okay before the 1.19.20 update! I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed, as it is very saddening to encounter our members struggling to even play anymore.

      We are on experimental mode with:
      Holiday Creator Features ON
      Gametest Framework ON

      We have 3 addons that utilize these features. 2 add blocks, 1 adds in game chat titles.

      I hope this will not simply be written off as "We're using experimental features, therefore nothing can be done and it is our fault," as stated earlier everything was just fine a few days ago, no changes have been made since then.

      **After lots of trial and error, we removed every single pack and found out a resource pack, that has worked for months, is causing the crashes. We will now have to figure out why it is doing it**

      Thank you for your time

        1. level.dat
          3 kB
        2. server.properties
          5 kB

            Tridentnova Josh
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