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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-157061

Allay dancing animation abruptly stops when it moves away from a jukebox


    • Community Consensus
    • Windows

      When Allays get out of their jukebox detection range, their dance animation abruptly stops.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Play music in a jukebox with an Allay nearby
      2. Watch the Allay dance. When it wanders too far from the jukebox, it stops its animation so suddenly.

      Expected Results:
      The Allay should have a smooth transition from their dance animation to their flying animation, or at least finish their dance animation when getting out of the range of a jukebox.

      Observed Results:
      The Allay twitches back to its default flying animation when getting out of the range of a jukebox.

      On the video attached, the Allay on the right shows this issue. It should be noted that after the animation changes to its flying animation, the Allay twitches, which is a separate bug MCPE-152970 .

            BeeTeeKay BeeTeeKay64
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