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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-156541

Character creator/dressing room skins deleted (during gameplay, not on restart)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • 1.18.33 Hotfix
    • None
    • Plausible
    • Windows

      This bug has been around for years and has yet to have any attention paid to it in spite of skins literally being something you sell.

      Repro steps:

      1. Have a skin that you have customized in any way through the Dressing Room feature.
      2. Open the Windows Store version of the game.
      3. See that your skins are there if you enter the dressing room.
      4. Play the game for any length of time.
      5. Exit to the main menu
      6. See that your current skin has reset to either the default Alex or Steve skin
      7. Open the dressing room
      8. See that ALL OTHER SKINS have been reverted to default Alex or Steve skins
      9. Open Minecraft on a shared platform (Xbox, Switch, etc.)
      10. See that the game has saved its changes to all of your skins to your account making the entire feature pointless.

      One would think after enough of these reports have been made and with YEARS of development effort, this bug would be gone by now, but no. No idea what is going on over there, but we have reached new levels of absurdity with this one.

      It would be one thing if this were some visual glitch on the Windows client not loading or rendering the skins properly, but no, you are literally resetting the entire skin back to default AND SAVING THE CHANGES ON THE SERVER SIDE.

      For the love of God, just fix this thing. You literally sell skins and yet you have your character system in this state of complete disrepair and non-functionality. And just so we are clear this happens with both fully customized Dressing Room character skins and Classic Skins. Does not matter.

            e_SonOfAnder eSonOfAnder
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