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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-152432

Setting time command feedback is not consistent


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18.10
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      Using the "/" button in the chat where I can quickly set the time sends a feedback that does not have a consistent time (see screenshot).

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Create a world with cheats enabled
      • Open the chat screen, there should be a "/" button for basic commands
      • Click Time, and click any of the buttons to set it on a specific time of day. What I did was set it to day.
      • Nothing would seem odd at first and you should see the command feedback saying "Set time to <time value>"
      • Repeatedly set the time to the time you have chosen. In my case I repeatedly set the time to day using the same "/" menu.
      • The command feedback should say "Set time to <time value>" everytime you set the time.

      Expected result:

      • The command feedback should display the same time consistently. If I set the time to day repeatedly, the time value should stay the same. For example, it's supposed output "Set the time to 7800090" consistently.

      Observed result:

      • The command feedback does not display the same time. See screenshot.

        1. Screenshot_20220213-150929_Minecraft.png
          699 kB
          Elmer Jr. G. Felisilda
        2. Screenshot_20220213-150929_Minecraft-1.png
          699 kB
          Elmer Jr. G. Felisilda

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