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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-151673

Game settings and features reset everytime I open the game (Mobile)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18.2 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      I've just logged my account in so that I can make access to online servers. Made a new world and added a custom skin for the game. I've also made some customisation on the settings so that I can experience the game much better at my own pace. But when I left the game and reopened it. My account suddenly got lost, my skin went back to default Alex, and all my external storage worlds are gone. The game got wiped out when I left and default settings were restored.


      I didn't have to worry about my survival world since I've switched my storage settings to application. My worlds get lost forever when they're stored on external storage. It's very frustrating losing all my worlds. I have to switch to application so the world data remains on the app. The problem is because they're stored in the app and there's a bug that keeps resetting the game I have to keep switching the storage settings to application everytime I go back to the game which is very annoying.


      The game reset bug also got rid of all my skins. I have to re-upload my custom skin everytime I go back. My name and settings also got reset so I have to modify them as well. And not just that my Xbox account that I connected to the game always gets logged out when I reopen it so I have to keep going to browser and do to the login process over and over again. I've just paid for this game and downloaded it to my phone, and this bug happened when I played it for the first time. Please fix it!

            PMFieryFlakes Carson Brent Cordova
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