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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-150276

Text Bug in Minecraft Realm (Messaging, Sign and Name Tag)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18.0
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      It has come to my attention that a few days ago, sending messages to friends in Bedrock Realm affected since 4 days ago and I have made my report but UNFORTUNATELY this issue still a problem until now.

      Me and my friend can't send our messages. Sign cannot display text no matter how many times we tried. And lastly, writing a name or text on Name Tag is ALSO bugged out. It won't let me rename my name tag for several times.

      I realized that, anything that has to do with TEXT has AFFECTED Minecraft Bedrock right now.

      Mojang, I am begging you, please FIX THIS ISSUE IMMEDIATELY and IT'S VERY ANNOYING. I use sign to put direction while mining in caves most of the time.

      I bought Realms to enjoy with my friends and this issue has been bugging me so ._.


        1. Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.08 -
          665 kB
          Muhammad Fitri Mohd Nizam
        2. Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.08 -
          530 kB
          Muhammad Fitri Mohd Nizam
        3. Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.08 -
          645 kB
          Muhammad Fitri Mohd Nizam
        4. 263735423_308923114430169_6749751344485290345_n.png
          397 kB
          Muhammad Fitri Mohd Nizam

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