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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-136482

The /tp command sets armor stand/any entity 1/2 block vertically from target coordinate.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • 1.17.10, 1.18.2 Hotfix
    • None
    • Creative
    • Unconfirmed
    • Android

      Ok devs! No stories now. I have now edited this report again. Just fix this ASAP! And this pics I have sent you in the attachments, to make it more clear, both the pics shows you the consequences of writing these command. In context, the command in the pic above are need to be put to see the consequences showed below. And I think you didn't get it, The entity goes 1/2 block above when we trynna teleport it 1 block above the command block. Still didn't get it?
      Steps to reproduce it:-
      1. First get a command block.
      2. Place an armor stand and name it "test".
      3. Write the following command in command block and change the status of command block from impulse to repeat and needs redstone to always active:-
      /tp @e[name=test] ~ ~1 ~
      4. Once you type this you will clearly see what is happening, the armor stand will teleport to the wrong location.

      Note:- This glitch will occur only in Pocket Edition, I am still not sure if it is also the case in bedrock edition.

      Hope these steps will help find out my issue in minecraft.

        1. PicsArt_09-22-03.09.26.jpg
          1.66 MB
          Parash Sharma
        2. PicsArt_09-22-03.10.07.jpg
          1.71 MB
          Parash Sharma

            SilverChamp58858 Parash Sharma
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