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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-135017

I can’t join my friends worlds and vice versa. After bedrock was introduced, I never got to play with my friends in our worlds.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • 1.17.10
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • PlayStation

      I’ve had a mod try to fix this issue up before. As I said back in my summary, everything was the same except when pressing x on “unable to connect to word”, basically just continuing. It started to generate a word and reap even but right after it showed the exact same error code with jmeta or something. I will try to get the complete error code as a comment as right now I can only get the error code when joining someone and continuing. Thank you for listening and I hope I can get the error code to you guys. (Nevermind, I have the error code. Located on the top left screen). 

      • If the error is hard to read, it says: [Json][error]-Could not parse metafile json file hat_conductor.meta.json
      • Hopefully you guys can work this out. I saw that Minecraft got an update of 80 fixed bugs and a parity fix which could only mean that you guys most likely fixed the issue. You guys did something with it right after the “Unable to Connect” with loading resources and world but then it kicks me right to the main menu with the same error code on the top left screen. I should have added this error as well. I did add a comment about that error to my previous bug , but I assumed you guys wouldn’t look at the old one anymore and would only look at the new reported “bug”. Thanks for everything and hopefully you guys can get this issue fixed for me. 

        1. 3B4DC637-FEE9-4BFA-AA0D-C5DC67F7D775.jpeg
          3.68 MB
          Tefik Laci
        2. image.jpg
          1.22 MB
          Tefik Laci
        3. IMG-20210713-WA0014.jpg
          102 kB
          Kassandra Ortiz
        4. Screenshot_2021-07-13-19-13-12-051_com.mojang.minecraftpe.jpg
          1.07 MB

            Ascension7512 Tefik Laci
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