Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-13270

Comparators measuring a non-empty container momentarily stop emitting power upon reloading


    • Confirmed
    • Phone - Android - Samsung Other (Specify in description)

      When i put a Chest then an item also theres a comparator connected to it then the comp is connected to a block with a torch so it turns off the torch when i remove the items however when i re-join the comparator resets it runs out of power for a few ticks (short)

      Try to Build the contraption on the picture quit and re join you"re world the tnt will explode the chest on the item has a 64 diamond so it gives a signal btw
      Samsung Galaxy S4 mini

            minecraftpro32 Cristian Luis Del Rosario
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