• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • 1.16.210
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      Basically, all shardes do not work, none, if the shardes have the texture of blocks such as water, wood, among others, the textures apply, along with the color of the shardes, but shadows, reflection of the sun, the lighting settings, color of the lighting, nothing applies, and the shardes removes the soft lighting from the game, I tested it with several shardes, and none worked, it would be as if the shardes were turned off, as if it did not work, the shardes do not apply movement in the water, leaves, in nothing, and this error only occurs on Win 10, my phone doesn’t happen, (they are in the same game version 1.16.210) I have some theories, but only a dev, or technician to confirm, with the new engine render dragon, caused the shardes not to work, or it would be a driver error on my video card which is an intel hd graphis, or it is an error relating to rendering dragon with video cards On board
      the attached photos are of 2 different shaders

      Portuguese version:

      Basicamente, todos shardes nao funciona, nenhum, se o shardes tem textura de blocos como de agua, madeira, entre outros, as texturas se aplica, junto com a cor do shardes, mas sombras, reflexo so sol, as configurações de iluminação, cor da iluminação, nada se aplica, e o shardes retira a ilumiação suave do jogo, testei com varios shardes, e nenhum funcionou, seria como se o shardes fosse desligado, como se nao funcionasse, o shardes nao aplica movimento na agua, folhas, em nada, e esse erro ocorre somente no Win 10, no meu celular nao acontece, (estao na mesma versao de jogo 1.16.210) Eu tenho algumas teorias, mas somente um dev, ou técnico para confirmar, com a nova engine render dragon, fez com que os shardes nao funcionasse, ou seria algum erro de driver da minha placa de video que é uma intel hd graphis, ou é algum erro relacionando a render dragon com placas de video On board
      as fotos em anexo sao de 2 shardes diferentes

        1. Captura de tela 2021-03-17 104440.png
          764 kB
          Rafael Inácio B O Basilio
        2. Captura de tela 2021-03-17 105729.png
          1015 kB
          Rafael Inácio B O Basilio

            BlisteryLeopard Rafael Inácio B O Basilio
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