Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Launcher'
  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-962

New launcher frame rate drop/ Only one graphics card.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.0.8
    • None
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      I've done a little research on the subject of the new launcher frame rate drop, and what I've found was that a lot of people have been experiencing this problem, at first I was saying "Oh great , I don't have to do much work to fix this." but after looking through my device manager on my computer, I found that I only had one graphics card, my integrated one.

      I at one point tried to play the "feed the beast" mod set but I noticed that after a moment I was experiencing some major FPS drop, I assumed this was due to the mod load and maybe some conflicting mods which would be taxing my CPU.

      I want to make the note, that before the new launcher my Minecraft, was running just fine, I had no problem running the Minecraft load with up to 60 FPS, max graphical settings, on a good day. I don't think that there were any major changes between features and new implementations that would cause this FPS drop.

      Once I downloaded the new client I noticed a massive drop in FPS the more chunks I loaded. The importent part is that all of the theories that I had developed like lighting system change, I don't think are the cause.

      Now to the findings: Basically I'm experiencing the FPS drop that others are reporting(The alternate window, GPU mis-allocation) but with the exception that I only have a integrated video card. Now I understand that this would be the problem and that would be it, but I had fine FPS in the previous update and it seems to be the new launcher/client.

      I understand that you guys can't make a patch for this problem, but is there anything, or any idea that you guys have that would allow me to be able to play Minecraft with my comfortable FPS again, without buying another computer.

      Thank you for your patients and I hope I laid out my problem as good as possible, I've never posted spec for my computer before so i'll get to that in a moment.

      *Note: SMP and SSP

        1. 2013-07-05_11.18.36.png
          294 kB
        2. 2013-07-05_11.18.49.png
          124 kB
        3. Other Specs.png
          Other Specs.png
          54 kB
        4. Windows Rating.png
          Windows Rating.png
          49 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Varboa Thomas H Clark
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