Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Launcher'
  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-20525

Oh no! Something went wrong, and we couldn't connect to Minecraft services. Try again.


    • Unconfirmed

      Recently migrated to previously owned Microsoft account with my Mojang account. Worked fine for several months. Was recently prompted to download new launcher from Microsoft store and uninstall current one. Now launcher does not recognize my account as owning the game but Minecraft.net recognizes that I still have the game so it will not let me rebuy it. Just looking to have my old account work. Have uninstalled and reinstalled several times, tried from the Microsoft store and from downloading straight from the website to no success. 

        1. 1.PNG
          421 kB
          Anthony Spinelli
        2. 2.PNG
          1.18 MB
          Anthony Spinelli
        3. 3.PNG
          545 kB
          Anthony Spinelli

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