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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-13442

launcher connection error. ¨sorry, make sure you are online and try again¨.


    • Unconfirmed

      I downloaded minecraft from the official website, to test it, since I had never played it. I proceeded to download the dmg file, for my macbook with macOS Catalina. Then I open the dmg file, drag it to apps, and when I put download updates, it gets stuck. I tried several times until I succeeded, but I noticed a problem. Opening the launcher requires me to set up an account to play, so I created an account. The problem was that when putting my email and password, the launcher said: "Sorry !, make sure you are connected and try again". I checked my connection and it was fine, after trying about 20 times it said the same thing.

      I started to investigate, and there are few cases of this error, most windows users, I have not found the solution for catalina macOS.

      I also tried using the beta of the launcher, and nothing, always network error. I have tried all the solutions that I have seen in forums, and none works for me, most are windows users, I can't find help for mac anywhere, I am having a hard time and having a bad experience with minecraft.

      all I want is to try the game in the demo version to see if I like it, and yet it doesn't even let me play without logging in, LOUD EXPERIENCE.

      I hope they solve it, as I already said, I investigated all the forums that I could, tried everything that was within my reach, and I did not achieve anything.

      I am not a computer expert, nor can I identify the version of the launcher, I know nothing, I am just someone who wanted to play and cannot.

      macOS Catalina minecraft java launcher connection error.

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            terhapy jose yevenes
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