Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Dungeons'
  1. Minecraft Dungeons
  2. MCD-4305

Inventory Missing for Second Time


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • Windows
    • Unconfirmed

      I have just logged on to discover my inventory has been nearly wiped - for the second time. I did not report this the first time it happened, but this time, almost everything in my inventory is gone, and I'm incredibly frustrated. I do not keep regular images of my inventory, however I have some from July 7th - when I was at level 147 - that shows a large variety of things that I have. I'm currently level 281. I will also include a screenshot of what I now have.

      This is absolutely ridiculous. Why am I grinding for all of the high level gear just to have it disappear?

        1. Screenshot (1370).png
          Screenshot (1370).png
          2.68 MB
        2. Screenshot (1369).png
          Screenshot (1369).png
          2.77 MB
        3. Screenshot (1359).png
          Screenshot (1359).png
          2.84 MB
        4. Screenshot (1356).png
          Screenshot (1356).png
          1.84 MB
        5. Screenshot (1354).png
          Screenshot (1354).png
          1.88 MB
        6. Screenshot (1353).png
          Screenshot (1353).png
          2.79 MB
        7. Screenshot (1352).png
          Screenshot (1352).png
          2.85 MB

            RK828 Rebecca Kramer
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