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  1. Minecraft Dungeons
  2. MCD-2645

Cannot start game on Nintendo switch


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • Nintendo Switch
    • Unconfirmed

      When starting the game on the Nintendo switch it will boot up and say press any button, but after pressing any button it sits and hangs. It never starts, it stays on the screen with the block spinning in the bottom right. We have two profiles, this only happens for 1 profile. The other profile loads just fine, getting past this screen in a few seconds. For the account that this fails on, we have played about 10 hours of the game and had just linked our Microsoft account to it successfully but because got an warning saying online play is not authorized. So made the changes to the account online and saw you have to log out of the game and log back in. We logged out of the game and then encountered this issue, seeing the title screen never loading. So we restarted and with this profile encountered the bug in not loading the game past the start screen.

      Appreciate the help.

            KahunaVG James Fuentes
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