Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft Dungeons'
  1. Minecraft Dungeons
  2. MCD-1677

stuck loading and hardware usage


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • Windows
    • Unconfirmed

      When i start up game i get to what looks like a dark campsite but its just trees moving and music playing and a red cube spinning on the bottom right corner. I assume its a loading screen but it never loads anything. I havent been able to create character or access any menu options. Also during this loading time, my CPU, GPU, and RAM usage shoots up to over 90% and sometimes 100% where its used up from Minecraft Dungeons. I have an i7-9700, RTX 2070 Super, and 16GB of RAM so i know i have more than the minimum specs required and I already updated all my drivers and uninstalled and reinstalled the game like 8 times with the same result. I attached screenshots of the loading screen i get stuck at and the HW usage during that time

            DungeonDaniel Daniel Lobos
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