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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-97509

some chunks do not render when standing near chunk boundaries


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.8.9, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 2
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      (This bug was present in 1.8.9.)

      If you are in a small enclosed room, which spans two chunks in the Z direction, but fits entirely within an X-chunk/Y-section, and you stand right at the chunk border, and turn your head, a portion of the world (the other chunk) completely disappears from view. I've attached screenshots. In all the screenshots, I'm standing in one place, but then barely turning my head, and the world disappears in the bottom left hand portion of the screen.

      To repro in a superflat world:

      /fill 34 8 30 40 12 36 stone 0 hollow
      /tp 36 9 32

      bring up F3 screen, look toward -Z (punch a hole in the wall for light if desired). careful move towards -Z until you're at the chunk boundary. Stand on the "4 9 0 in 2 0 2" side, rather than the "4 9 15 in 201" side of the boundary. slowly turn your mouse gaze away from the -Z wall towards to +Z wall. Once your head turns 45 degrees away, the portion of the world in the other chunk stops rendering.

        1. 2016-02-18_16.23.49.png
          281 kB
        2. 2016-02-18_16.23.46.png
          292 kB
        3. 2016-02-18_16.23.27.png
          189 kB
        4. 2016-02-18_16.23.24.png
          187 kB

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            brianmcn Brian McNamara
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
