Resolution: Won't Fix
Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w47c, Minecraft 15w49a, Minecraft 15w49b, Minecraft 1.8.9, Minecraft 15w50a, Minecraft 15w51b
- Spider & Cave Spider eyes (
MC-81602) - Donkey & Mule with chest (
MC-14349) - Boots (and Leggings, enchanted or with 64px texture) (
MC-12729) - Enchantment Table Book (when far away) (
MC-7855) - Chest* (
MC-1559) - End Crystal with Bedrock (
MC-11298) - Ocelot tail (neutral & flee mode/attract mode)
- Squid stretched arms
- Zombie Horse hair
- Bat neck
- Shulker bullet
- Fangs
*See the attached chestcheck.zip for easier debugging
- is duplicated by
MC-7855 Enchantment table book experiences Z-Fighting when looked at from far away
- Resolved
MC-11298 Ender crystals have z-fighting with the bedrock block when seen from below
- Resolved
MC-81602 (Cave) spider eyes sometimes flicker (Texture Z-Fighting)
- Resolved
MC-94436 Legs not positioned correctly / weird pixels
- Resolved
MC-105072 Z-fighting at the overlaps of horseback and saddle
- Resolved
MC-107157 Head piece of small armor stand is too thick causing z-fighting
- Resolved
MC-108796 Fangs Texture z-fighting
- Resolved
MC-115434 Parrot Model Z-Fighting
- Resolved
MC-131377 Z-Fighting with Enchanting Table Books
- Resolved
MC-132280 Z-fighting on drowned texture
- Resolved
MC-154172 Spiders has a Z-fighting glitch
- Resolved
MC-154305 how to fix spiders Z-Fighting eyes (/) this is the way to fix it!
- Resolved
MC-166889 End Crystal Z-fights with bottom texture of bedrock on obsidian towers in The End
- Resolved
MC-185983 Bug texture between the legs
- Resolved
MC-187636 When an Ender Crystal is on Bedrock, the view from the bottom of the special bedrock block and the normal bedrock block causes Z-fighting
- Resolved
MC-187787 Enchantment Table 'Z' Fighting.
- Resolved
MC-191796 Z-fight on every armor
- Resolved
MC-195325 Bottom of enchantment table book (when closed) causes z-fighting.
- Resolved
MC-212665 Z-Fighting on block surface in the end
- Resolved
MC-225405 End crystal can cause z-fighting when spawning it's bottom into block
- Resolved
MC-228377 Z-Fighting on the Enchantment Table when looked from a distance
- Resolved
MC-233863 Intense Z-fighting occurs inside player
- Resolved
MC-239441 Enderchest texture overlapping
- Resolved
MC-1559 Chest model has overlapping parallel faces causing texture fighting
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-190778 Pufferfish inside eye contains Z-Fighting
- Resolved
MC-190779 The inside of the chicken beak contains Z-Fighting
- Resolved
MC-190792 Cod inside Z-Fighting
- Resolved
MC-130732 Several instances of z-fighting inside dragon head when on armor stand
- Resolved
MC-190782 Minecart with Command Block contains Z-Fighting
- Resolved