Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-90961

1.9 bug for levitation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 15w42a
    • None
    • windows 10
    • Unconfirmed

      Put the summary of the bug you're having here
      1.9 bug for levitation
      What I expected to happen was...:
      Describe what you thought should happen here
      I stop and stay under the leaves
      What actually happened was...:
      Describe what happened here
      I went through some leaves and got stuck in some others
      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Put a step by step guide on how to trigger the bug here
      2. ...do /effect @p minecraft:levitation 999999
      3. ...go under a tree

        1. 2015-10-19_12.37.55.png
          469 kB
          Richard Wilson
        2. 2015-10-19_12.38.03.png
          408 kB
          Richard Wilson
        3. 2015-10-19_12.38.10.png
          513 kB
          Richard Wilson

            Unassigned Unassigned
            estatewilson Richard Wilson
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
