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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-8516

Ghost pistons duplication


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative

      We found a duplication bug that makes pistons being duplicated but they're half ghost blocks.

      To reproduce the bug simply place the blocks as in the screenshot, and then place a redstone torch on top of the light green wool block.

      If you relog on the server, there will be no more the pistons on top of the pistons, but other players that had not relogged will still see them.

        1. 2013-01-27_16.53.11.png
          384 kB
          Daniele Carbone
        2. 2013-01-27_16.53.19.png
          395 kB
          Daniele Carbone

            Unassigned Unassigned
            daniels998 Daniele Carbone
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