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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-67687

Right clicking a sign with clickEvent does NOT work when using \" instead of '


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • Minecraft 14w32a, Minecraft 14w32b, Minecraft 14w32c, Minecraft 14w32d, Minecraft 14w33a, Minecraft 14w33b, Minecraft 14w33c
    • java 8
      win 8
      latest snapshot
    • Unconfirmed

      please use a commandblock with the following command

      /setblock ~ ~ ~-1 wall_sign 1 replace {Text1:"{color:red,text:\"click\",extra:[{text:\" to respawn\",clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:\"/kill @p\"}}]}"}


      /setblock ~ ~1 ~ standing_sign 1 replace {Text1:"{text:\"test\",extra:[{text:\" message\",clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:\"/say test\"}}]}"}

      Both wont work due to an annoying bug that won't allow any players, OP or not OP, to run commands on signs.

      Works with this command:

      /setblock ~ ~ ~-1 standing_sign 0 replace {Text1:"{color:red,text:'click to respawn',clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:'/kill @p'}}

      The problem lays at the escaping char \
      it does work with ' not with \"

      This is not intended behaviour, neither a duplicate.
      Still a concern in the latest snapshot, please fix.

      Is the same as MC-62833 which has been incorrectly flagged as duplicate of MC-62255 which describes a total different point of the sign commands.

            searge [Mojang] Searge (Michael Stoyke)
            m124367 AgentM
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