
    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.7.10, Minecraft 14w30a, Minecraft 14w30b
    • None
    • Operation System: OS X Yosemite beta 4
      Graphics: Intel Iris Pro
      RAM: 8 GIGS DDR3
      Java: 1.6.6_65 64bit
      MacBook Pro 15inch late 2013

    • Unconfirmed

      when playing any 1.7 version and 1.8 snapshots, there is flickering across the entire window. the flickering always is the same color as the sky. it doesn't go away when looking in different directions. The flickering also occurs in fullscreen. When i enable the fullscreen option, it goes fullscreen into a crazy graphical mess.and is hard to get out of unless i quit minecraft. The Flickering occurs regardless of the current gamemode.

        1. bug.mov
          2.84 MB
          Corbin Mcqueen

            Unassigned Unassigned
            corbinmcqueen Corbin Mcqueen
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