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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-5754

Weighted pressure plates block strong signals


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative

      I was testing out the snapshot (Amazing stuff btw, I didn't expect anything close to stuff like this to come to vanilla) and I was testing out the redstone blocks and weighted plates and found this bug. If you have a strong redstone signal, then you connect a golden (light) pressure plate with a weak signal connected to the redstone it will "block" the signal. Once I played around with it a bit I can see some machines that it could be used for, however I think it is a bug that the golden plate does this, so I believe it should be it's own feature of a block, and this behavior of the plates should be removed.

      Edit: oops, didn't notice this as a duplicate. I had used the search but didn't find that other post

        1. 2013-01-03_12.55.11.png
          216 kB
          Sky Demon
        2. 2013-01-03_12.55.16.png
          174 kB
          Sky Demon

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            skydemon Sky Demon
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