Resolution: Duplicate
Minecraft 14w11b
OS X Version 10.9.2,
What I Expected the command as follows in a command block to do:
/summon PigZombie ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{Count:1,id:279,tag:{ench:[{id:33,lvl:1}]}},{Count:1,id:309,tag:{ench:[{id:2,lvl:4}]}},{Count:1,id:304,tag:{ench:[{id:3,lvl:4}]}},{Count:1,id:315,tag:{ench:[{id:4,lvl:4}]}},{Count:1,id:397,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:}}],CustomName:Jake4832,CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:35},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:1.0},{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:3.5},{Name:generic.followRange,Base:20},{Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:0.5}],IsVillager:1,DropChances:[1.0F,1.0F,1.0F,1.0F,1.0F]}
Was to spawn a zombie pigman with Knockback resistance of 0.5, a follow range of 20, an damage of 3.5 inflicted to player, a movement speed of 1.0, and a health of 35. This zombie pigman would also be wearing a random head with a drop chance of 100%, a golden chest plate enchanted with projectile projection level 4 with a drop chance of 100%, some chainmail leggings with (either fire protection leve 4 or blast protection level 4, do not remember which, sorry :{ ) with a drop chance of 100% , and iron boots with a feather falling enchantment level 4 and a drop chance of 100%. He would have a diamond axe enchanted with silk touch level 1 and a drop chance of 100%. He also is a villager zombie, but it does not change a zombie pigman's skin.
What Actually happened:
Alot of weird things, and all i could keep thinking was:
"Damn, I Broke Minecraft Bad..."
Please see videos below for account of what happened!