Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-51335

The singleplayer, multiplayer and superflat menus are not centered


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • Minecraft 14w11b, Minecraft 14w17a, Minecraft 14w18b, Minecraft 14w19a, Minecraft 14w20b, Minecraft 14w21b, Minecraft 14w25a, Minecraft 14w25b, Minecraft 14w26b, Minecraft 14w26c, Minecraft 14w27b, Minecraft 14w28a, Minecraft 14w28b, Minecraft 14w29b, Minecraft 14w30a, Minecraft 14w30b, Minecraft 14w30c
    • None
    • Mac OS X
    • Unconfirmed

      When you go to the singleplayer, multiplayer or superflat menu, the entries are not centered, but they start at the top of the screen instead. The bug is not noticeable when there are enough entries in the list to make the scroll bar appear.

        1. 1.7.10 multiplayer.png
          1.7.10 multiplayer.png
          17 kB
        2. 1.7.10 singleplayer.png
          1.7.10 singleplayer.png
          19 kB
        3. 1.7.10 superflat.png
          1.7.10 superflat.png
          19 kB
        4. 14w30c multiplayer.png
          14w30c multiplayer.png
          18 kB
        5. 14w30c singleplayer.png
          14w30c singleplayer.png
          18 kB
        6. 14w30c superflat.png
          14w30c superflat.png
          18 kB

            searge [Mojang] Searge (Michael Stoyke)
            StevenNL2000 StevenNL2000
            1 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
