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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-42252

Book Colored Text Reset doesn't work as intended


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative

      text was entered as follows:
      1st picture - §4This§r is a test of the emergency alert system.
      2nd picture - §4This§0 is a test of the emergency alert system.
      3rd picture - §4This §6is §ea §atest §3of §1the §5emergency §ralert system.

      issue: "§r" works for the first line of text. once a word wraps to the next line, it reverts to the color just prior to "§r."

      in the case of the third picture, no amount of "§r" will ever reset the text color back to black. only manually formatting color to black by typing "§0" achieves the effect.

        1. book bug.JPG
          book bug.JPG
          60 kB
        2. book bug2.JPG
          book bug2.JPG
          60 kB
        3. book bug3.JPG
          book bug3.JPG
          60 kB

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