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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-36654

Wooden pressure plates and buttons are stuck


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.7, Minecraft 1.7.2, Minecraft 13w48b, Minecraft 1.7.3, Minecraft 14w02c, Minecraft 14w03b, Minecraft 14w04b, Minecraft 14w06b, Minecraft 14w21b
    • None
    • Windows 7 64bit
      Java version 7 update 45
    • Confirmed

      Wooden pressure plates and wooden buttons remains stuck after being pressed, wooden buttons also gets pressed by walking into them.

      This isn't the same as other similar issues,the world is indeed corrupted (console says an arrow is in the wrong location) but I found a way to recreate the problem and each newly created world becomes corrupted in the same way after a short while.

      How to recreate:
      After placing a wooden pressure plate on a stone brick block, it's possible to shoot arrows at the higher half of the side of that block to activate the pressure plate.
      Have that same pressure plate activate a sticky piston that extends and push another stone brick block that will move away the arrows.

      After shooting several arrows rapidly (making the piston extend), eventually one will be at a "wrong location" and this will cause all wooden pressure plates and wooden buttons to remain stuck in a 20x20 area (not centered) around the contraption. Outside that area those buttons and plates will work normally.
      Stone buttons and plates are not affected.

      The console will display the "wrong location" error when this happens and each time the world is loaded.
      Quitting the game and reloading the same world won't fix the problem, same as replacing buttons and pressure plates.
      This happened both in Survival and in Creative (gamemode changed using the console, world created as Survival).

      Something changed about arrows in 1.7.1, causing them to be displaced after a short while (resolving the problem).
      The bug came back in 1.7.2, still disabling wooden plates and buttons in an area.

      I used a new world in each test, with all versions.

        1. 2013-10-25_21.40.34.png
          170 kB
        2. circuit.png
          191 kB
        3. covered.png
          251 kB
        4. front.png
          119 kB

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            Giorgio Giorgio Castegnaro
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