Any arrows (including survival player's and skeletons' arrows) hit blocks twice and create double sound. This bug exists since 13w36a, watch screenshots for details.
How to reproduce:
- Shoot an arrow at a wall
You will hear double arrow hitting sound, sometimes arrow falls down and rarely returns back, but when it falls down and hits another block you hear second sound.
- duplicates
MC-29475 Arrow sound plays twice when shot into blocks
- Resolved
Arrows hit the ground twice
Any arrows (including survival player's and skeletons' arrows) hit blocks twice and create double sound. This bug exists since 13w36a, watch screenshots for details.
How to reproduce:
- Shoot an arrow at a wall
You will hear double arrow hitting sound, sometimes arrow falls down and rarely returns back, but when it falls down and hits another block you hear second sound.
- duplicates
MC-29475 Arrow sound plays twice when shot into blocks
- Resolved